Hey mister,

you have devoured nearly all of it  –

…………………………this cake

hugely robbed
sharply less
undone……………………..is diminished

its few blueberries
not enough
though hotly purple………….iits minimal matrix
its last few raisins
beneath the brown crust
not tempting….so……   …….undesirable

listen mister….you didn’t ask
left the whole thing wounded
lost….impossible to restore…    ..…the sum of it

and….of the rest
too little remains
to nourish my soul…………….…once generous –

I will make more of these
creamed and iced
a delight to the tongue………….a festive mix

over red mulled wine…………….….I could offer you

a whole cake….or even two
perhaps another for the road
and we could still be friends…..  ….but then

I guess…..and sadly fear….you

my dream of you

may not be here tomorrow

unless ………..

Irene Wilkie


Irene Wilkie has published two books of poems with Ginninderra Press: Love and Galactic Spiders (2005) and Extravagance (2013). The latter collection won a Highly Commended Award in the ACT Writing and Publishing Awards 2014. Her work has appeared in journals and anthologies including Australian Poetry Journal, Award Winning Australian Writing.

© 2017