
An amber striped curve with shrieking back legs is blown
on to my windscreen and there are so few of you Another
bee buzzes around a window Flyspray too conveniently
at hand I squirt Mistaken identity the blowflies awakened
with the warmth I have often wondered if flies hibernate
Not so Undergo diapause Like the more permanent state
of insect parliamentarians

Lizz Murphy


Listen to Lizz reading ‘Diapause’ (0:48)


Lizz Murphy writes between Binalong NSW and Canberra ACT in a variety of styles. She also loves art & text. She has published thirteen books. Her eight poetry titles include Shebird (PressPress), Walk the Wildly (Picaro/Ginninderra) and Two Lips Went Shopping (Spinifex). She is a former Canberra Times Poetry Editor.

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