What a time to be alive!

What a time to be alive.

The north has got detention and the sun state wants a mine
Inaction’s only easy if you live above the line

Oh, what a time to be alive.

Why bother IRL when you can url, or say farewell with brb?
We’re clever; crossing see-through wires; *sticker* *gif* sincerity

But wat a time 2 b alive!!

If you’ve a keyboard, you can conquer; from a screen, ideas breed
In an age when TERFs are weeds, not lawns – and MRAs can read

Oh, what a time to be alive …!

Though they say sexism’s over speaking up still isn’t free
I’ve either 99 conundrums – or, the bitch, they’d say, is me…

Well, what a time to be alive.

We’re spinning diamond hamster wheels; to ‘catch up’ means ‘pin down’
Everyone’s a yassss queen though not one could buy a crown

But what a time to be alive!

Well, unless you’re a reef.

… What a time to be alive?

A world where needles, lasers, razors form us willing junkies’ crack;
Where there’s hazing for the white men and there’s tasering for black

Yes, what a time to be alive.

Because a living ad for Gilead just makes my ovaries’ day
As does a world where ‘Homo-’s less a sapien, more a gay

But hey, we’re still alive!

What a time to be alive.

Rosalind Moran


Rosalind Moran is a Canberra author. One of her poems, ‘Bartending’, was published in the first issue of Not Very Quiet. She has also written for a variety of anthologies, websites, and journals, and has spoken at the National Young Writers’ Festival and Noted Festival.

© 2018