Our daily tread

a five kilometre loop of beaded observations
gate-path-road-park-wetlands-storm water drain

a rosary performed with feet
each inhalation guarded by a mask as seasons turn

now walking is our new religion
a warrant to the great out-through-the-doors

lockdown escape fuelled by $1 Servo coffee
at the first station of the cross

late summer shade falling to slip-hazard leaves
acorns, nuts and conkers booby-trapping the way

the spiky fruit of the towering plane trees
Covid-19 made manifest

as collectively we plough a new desire path
1.5 metres from the cement

thus we can pass on a held breath
exhale into cloth at the bridge to the other side

Jane Downing


Jane Downing has poems published around Australia including in Cordite, Poetrix, Rabbit, The Canberra Times, Eureka Street and Best Australian Poems (2004 & 2015). A collection, When Figs Fly, was published by Close-Up Books in 2019. She can be found at janedowning.wordpress.com

© 2021